8.3. Man-pages-6.13

The Man-pages package contains over 2,400 man pages.

Approximate build time: 0.1 SBU
Required disk space: 52 MB

8.3.1. Installation of Man-pages

Remove two man pages for password hashing functions. Libxcrypt will provide a better version of these man pages:

rm -v man3/crypt*

Install Man-pages by running:

make -R GIT=false prefix=/usr install

The meaning of the options:


This prevents make from setting any built-in variables. The building system of man-pages does not work well with built-in variables, but currently there is no way to disable them except passing -R explicitly via the command line.


This prevents the building system from emitting many git: command not found warnings lines.

8.3.2. Contents of Man-pages

Installed files: various man pages

Short Descriptions

man pages

Describe C programming language functions, important device files, and significant configuration files